Promis.e Help

Naming Variables

Variable names may have up to 32 characters, with no embedded blanks. They are case sensitive and must begin with a letter, followed by letters, numbers, or underscores.

You cannot create a variable name that is the same as a built-in function or constant, but it may contain a reserved word as part of a name. For example, as "sin" is a built-in function, 'sin' is not a valid variable name. The variable "sin_of_x", however, is valid. Reserved words are not case sensitive, so "Sin" also is not a valid variable name.

A variable's name must be unique within the solid (local variables), or DGN file (global variables), in which it is used.

Note: Caution should be used when using variables because of the possible confusion of an underscore in a variable name with that of Text Entry fields. It is strongly recommended to change the ED character to &. You do this in the Text category of the Preferences dialog ( File > Settings > User > Preferences ), by changing the setting for ED character from an underscore to an ampersand "&".